Founded in the Sunnyside neighborhood of San Francisco in 1962, St. Finn Barr Catholic School prepares young, diverse minds for the future by nurturing every child’s potential within the context of an enthusiastic and collaborative community. Our competent and compassionate faculty members nurture the whole child through instruction that utilizes top-notch learning resources. Some highlights of our program include: K-8 Spanish instruction, FOSS inquiry-based science program, all-school service learning, musical theatre, Second Step social-emotional learning, and a robust enrichment program. St. Finn Barr is enhanced by a dynamic parent community who organizes and executes successful fundraising and “fun-raising” events to further the mission of the school. Additionally, the “Friends of St. Finn Barr” (private donors, volunteers, and foundations) make it possible for us to provide a high-quality program to a diverse community through strategic investment in scholarships, programs, and school maintenance.
We welcome new families to visit our website to learn more about our school! Click here, to view.